Chachal Necklace
Chachal Necklace
Chachal Necklace
Chachal Necklace
Chachal Necklace

Chachal Necklace

Regular price $300.00 Sale

This necklace features a beautiful main medalon with two fish dangling from it and two mules on each side, along with 6 coins on the bottom. There are 16 coins on the necklace along with 8 different charms. These necklaces were historically worn by the more elite Mayans who could afford them.

The story of how we found these Chachal Necklaces

I will start by saying we gave this Senor this name, the silver shaman! It was a very interesting vibe when he approached us. We were in a very busy park. Tons of vendors everywhere. Id just come to the realization of some very hard news of a friend's passing. Silas was going crazy for toys and bird seed and it was just a chaotic vibe. And all of a sudden this gentleman approached with nothing but a hand full of old silver coins and these necklaces. Out of everyone around he only approached us. We were polite and took a look. We love anything old and with interesting character. Honestly the last thing we needed was another interesting piece or knick knack but I personally was immediately drawn to the necklaces. We said gracias but no gracias. Within a couple minutes I looked at John and was like man those necklaces were cool though. He knew id been a bit upset in the moment. We'd not even asked the price of the necklaces. Literally we looked up in those few minutes that had passed to place eyes on the old gentleman and he was no where to be seen. This guy was not moving very fast, we figured he'd still be close by but no. John and I took laps around the busy park some what frantically looking for this guy. And nothing! We asked sweet local vendor if she happened to know the gentleman we were speaking of and where he might be. She suggested we check over by the Antigua Arch. A historically photographic landmark that is also bustling with vendors and tourist. We get half way down and there he is modestly sitting in a little nook with his few necklaces hanging from his hand.

We found out once getting home with our treasures that these necklaces are called Chachal Necklaces. Made from antique silver coins. Sometimes the coins have been repressed as you can tell on some of these pieces. These necklaces are extremely rare!